by Fireparrot
You've got a tulpa, great! Now what? You've been told you need to “force” them, form their basic personality traits, choose a form for them if you want, etc. But while all that's easy for some, many hosts can still feel like it's not enough.
Tulpaforcing, otherwise simply known as forcing, is a mysterious task for some some beginners. Even some practiced users do not yet know all of its intricacies (I myself discover new things now and then). This short guide might be useful to both people who have just started, and those who do not yet have a completely independent tulpa, a tulpa who still relies on attention from the host.
Everybody should already know tulpas are meant to be independent, sentient beings. But what does that mean, exactly? More importantly, how does that feel? Anybody could read a definition out of a textbook or a dictionary. Many hosts may be thinking “be independent” to their tulpa without truly realizing what it is they mean.
One day, I found out I already knew what a truly independent, sentient being feels like. I looked at another physical person, and I thought, “Hey, they do things without me having to tell them what to do. Heck, I don't even need to be aware of what they're doing for them to do what they're doing!” And then it hit me: I could use that feeling, and translate it over to my tulpaforcing. I now had a template for how my tulpas should feel to me, what it is like to have them independent, and still dependent tulpas eat that right up.
Now, this can be applied to just about everything. Ever thought about how a particular trait would work and feel on your tulpa? Try and find real-life examples of that trait! This ranges from independence, to intelligence and cheeriness. Then apply that to your tulpa. It's as simple as that.